
Monday, December 21, 2009

The Year in the Executive Suite “taking stock”

As I look back and reflect on the past year, what have been the greatest successes, accomplishments, and goals achieved? In order to make this determination, I review the climb to the summit.

While reflecting on the rough economic climate in 2009, business prospects have improved especially in regard to potential cliental. There have been improvements in using social media sites such as Face book, LinkedIn, and Twitter to build a network of business contacts, industry experts, and various leaders. There has been success in building expertise in computing technology.

As many business leaders and executives truly understand the reach and power of information technology, integrating key technologies into business (is key). Being in position to develop and lead the development of key technology initiatives has been gratifying.

As a business and I.T. leader, the focus is truly understanding the business process and using technology to add value by increasing productivity, sales, and customer service. One of the prime examples is the mobile work force. Managing the mobile work force to ensure they have every thing they need at their finger tips such as: Email, Contacts, instant messaging, stock, GPS, voice mail, which provides great value.

The year has been successes by confidently bring value to the business, not just from a technology stand point, but also from a process and leadership standpoint. The end point has been the ability to help improve the way the business works utilizing key technology. The focus continues to be improving: business processes, customer interfaces, improving interaction among employees, customers, and suppliers.

Merry Christmas, Happy New year to business partners, family, and friends!

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