
Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Home Automation

Home Automation:

We started our journey towards Home Automation with the purchase of the Nest thermostat. The projected cost savings was approximately 10% of heating bill. This would cover the cost of the Nest in year (1) one.

I got the Nest thermostat as a Christmas gift so I had no up front cost. Once it was unwrapped,  we did a product review video and updated the installation instructions. The only concern I had was the wiring. Since the wiring was low volt, labeling and installation of the thermostat  was simple.

Nest has created installation videos that makes the process relatively simple.( Nest Installation video ) Once the Nest is installed, you connect it to your wireless network and your off and running.

The next step was to install Nest application  on my smart phone, I configured Auto-away which sets the temperature at lowest level which was typically 60 degrees. This helps save energy costs while everyone is away at work. The last step to  complete Home Automation is to set up a heating schedule.  The schedule warms up the house prior to us waking up for the day.

The Nest has saved on heating cost and can be proven out by the Energy History report. The Nest has helped us begin our journey towards Home Automation.